Consumer Trial Results: Clarity Complex - Monday Muse

Consumer Trial Results: Clarity Complex

We surveyed 32 adults and found that 79% struggled with breakouts and/or acne, 85% had sensitive or inflamed skin, and 94% battled uneven skin tone. Dealing with acne, breakouts and sensitive skin often involves harsh treatments or medications, like Roaccutane, which may not suit everyone and can have lasting effects. Monday Muse founder, Lune, struggled with this exact problem for years.

Recognising this, we created The Skin Clarity Complex—a holistic approach to treating skin concerns from within.

The Skin Clarity Complex: Packed with 10 Billion Probiotics, 6 Plant Extracts, 4 Essential Minerals, and 4 Vitamins, The Skin Clarity Complex targets skin concerns, gut health, and energy levels from within.

What We Did: We conducted a consumer trial with 32 UK participants, each taking two daily capsules. Bi-weekly questionnaires tracked feedback on energy, digestion, and skin appearance without additional interventions. Before starting, participants assessed their baseline energy levels, digestive symptoms (like bloating), and skin conditions (sensitivity and breakout frequency).

This is what we found…


Breakouts: At the beginning of our trial, 79% of participants said that they struggled with acne and breakouts. After just 4 weeks of taking the supplement, 84.4% noticed fewer breakouts. This quick improvement shows how effective our supplement can be in addressing skin issues. Positive skin improvements overall were noted by 78.1% by Week 2, increasing to 93.8% by Week 4. Skin balance rose from 84.4% in Week 2 to 93.8% in Week 4.

One participant reported this:

“My skin is so much less oily! I haven’t experienced any big breakouts, even around my period which is usually when I get them the most! Definitely will carry on using this.”

Skin Calmness: Before taking the supplement, 85% described their skin as easily sensitized, inflamed, or irritated. During the 4-week trial, participants noticed increased skin calmness— by Week 2, 87.5% noticed increased calmness and 90.6% by Week 4. One rosacea-prone participant even said this:

“My skin is calmer and less red which is great especially since I suffer from rosacea and it is hard to find anything that soothes my redness.”

Even Skin Tone: In Week 0, when we asked participants if uneven skin tone was a concern, 94% agreed that they struggled to maintain even skin tone. Within just 4 weeks, however, 62.5% observed a more even skin tone, with 93.8% experiencing overall skin improvement, all without altering skincare routines.



Digestive Health Impact: Gut issues like IBS, constipation and bloating all indicate a disrupted gut, inflammation and imbalances in gut microbiota, which can worsen skin conditions like acne, breakouts and inflammation.

Prioritizing Gut Health: The Skin Clarity Complex includes a dose of 10 Billion CFU probiotics (Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Saccharomyces Boulardii, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Lactis) and prebiotics (Inulin) to support gut health, vital for skin clarity and overall well-being.

Trial Insights: Initially, 87.9% reported digestive issues, with 62.5% experiencing improvements within 2 weeks. By the trial's end, 65.6% noted easier bowel movements and 81.3% felt their digestive system was calmer. By the end of the 4 weeks, 69% noticed positive improvements to digestive symptoms (such as IBS, constipation, etc.) since starting the supplement.




Menstrual and Menopausal Support: In week 0, 94% experienced PMS or menstrual symptoms, with 53.1% reporting fewer symptoms after using our supplement. Vitamin B5 and B6 support hormone regulation, adrenal function, and reduced breakouts (84.4% reported fewer breakouts).

“Genuinely very impressed with the skin clarity complex. What struck me the most was the fact that my PMS was significantly reduced, my skin has never been so clear and my blood sugars infinitely more stable. I have been confirmed as perimenopausal by my doctor, so things have generally out of kilter and this supplement really has made a huge difference which has been evident particularly in the short time that I have not been on the supplement (intentionally didn’t get anymore to see if there really is a difference) so I will definitely buy more!”

Improving Energy and Mood: 90.9% of the participants reported experiencing a mid-afternoon slump, 87.9% reported mood swings, and periods of low energy. After 4 weeks, we saw that 50.3% noticed improved mid-afternoon energy, 65.6% overall energy enhancement, 56.3% reduced fatigue, and 62.5% fewer mood swings).

One participant even reported this:

“The biggest benefit of The Skin Clarity Complex was the improvement in my energy levels as I didn’t expect to feel such an uplift here! This, paired with the improvement in my skin, has been such a positive change and something I’d definitely be keen to continue to take.”


Our Skin Clarity Complex offers a holistic approach to addressing various skin concerns by focusing on improving gut health and overall wellness. It treats the root cause of skin inflammation by targeting common contributors such as gut issues, excess oil production, and hormonal irregularities. This natural supplement provides a comprehensive solution beyond traditional skincare, ensuring balanced and healthy skin from within.

93.8% observed a positive improvement in their skin since starting the trial.